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WebWorks Test Document : Microsoft Word Styles : Paragraph Styles : List Styles

List Styles
Bulleted Lists
For bulleted lists, use List Bullet:
The first word of each list item should be capitalized. If any list item is a complete sentence, then all items in the list should end with a period. If no list item is a complete sentence, then none of the items should end with a period.
If the bulleted items are short, the following compressed style can be used:
Numbered Lists
For numbered lists (typically procedures), use the List Number style, which uses Word's numbering feature. To start a list at 1, right click the first item in the list and click Restart Numbering.
List Unbulleted. Use this style for explanatory or result paragraphs within a bulleted or numbered list.
List Unbulleted 2. Use this style for explanatory or result paragraphs within a 2nd-level bulleted or numbered list.
List code: use for code lines within a list
List code: use for code lines within a list
List Definition Keyword + define char
List Definition. The definition of the keyword. Use this style for definitions of non-code terms within lists.
List Definition Keyword + code char
List Definition. The definition of the keyword. Use this style for definitions of code terms within lists.
The steps of a procedure should be complete sentences and should end with periods.
Lists within Definitions
Within a definition, use the Definition Bullet style (see Definition Styles).